- In one's shoes
- На чьём-нибудь месте. В чьей-либо шкуре
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
in\ one's\ shoes — • in one s shoes • in one s boots adv. phr. In or into one s place or position. How would you like to be in a lion tamer s boots? Compare: put oneself in another s place, step into one s shoes … Словарь американских идиом
fill one's shoes — {v. phr.} To take the place of another and do as well; to substitute satisfactorily for. * /When Jack got hurt, the coach had nobody to fill his shoes./ * /Joe hopes to fill his father s shoes./ See: IN ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
fill one's shoes — {v. phr.} To take the place of another and do as well; to substitute satisfactorily for. * /When Jack got hurt, the coach had nobody to fill his shoes./ * /Joe hopes to fill his father s shoes./ See: IN ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
fill\ one's\ shoes — v. phr. To take the place of another and do as well; to substitute satisfactorily for. When Jack got hurt, the coach had nobody to fill his shoes. Joe hopes to fill his father s shoes. See: in one s shoes … Словарь американских идиом
in one's shoes — also[in one s boots] {adv. phr.} In or into one s place or position. * /How would you like to be in a lion tamer s boots?/ Compare: PUT ONESELF IN ANOTHER S PLACE, STEP INTO ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
in one's shoes — also[in one s boots] {adv. phr.} In or into one s place or position. * /How would you like to be in a lion tamer s boots?/ Compare: PUT ONESELF IN ANOTHER S PLACE, STEP INTO ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
into one's shoes — See: STEP INTO ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
into one's shoes — See: STEP INTO ONE S SHOES … Dictionary of American idioms
into\ one's\ shoes — See: step into one s shoes … Словарь американских идиом
step into one's shoes — {v. phr.} To do what someone else usually does after he has stopped doing it. * /When Bill s father died, Bill had to step into his father s shoes to support his mother./ * /A coach trains the junior varsity to step into the shoes of the members… … Dictionary of American idioms
step into one's shoes — {v. phr.} To do what someone else usually does after he has stopped doing it. * /When Bill s father died, Bill had to step into his father s shoes to support his mother./ * /A coach trains the junior varsity to step into the shoes of the members… … Dictionary of American idioms